Renew Massage Therapy
Stacy Roush LMT


But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not grow weary; they shall walk, and not faint.

                                            Isaiah 40:31

Thankyou for your interest in Renew Massage Therapy. 

Experience the natural therapeutic benefits of a professional massage located right outside of Winchester, Oh.

Some of the modalities I am trained in are:

Neuromuscular Massage/Myofascial Therapy- a method of carefully searching for and treating ischemic locations and the trigger points that are often the key factors in chronic and severe pain.  This type of therapy is widely acclaimed and extremely successful in pain relief.

Post Isometric Muscle Release- gentle facilitated joint movement to assist a muscle in regaining a normal, relaxed length. The client actively participates.

Swedish Massage- a systematic application of procedures known to enhance circulation of blood and lymph, relieve stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, among other benefits.